IS Safety Boat Certificate

MAST Centre Irish Sailing Courses

 Irish Sailing (IS) Recognised Course

Safety boat course

Irish Sailing Safety Boat Certificate

This 2-day Safety Boat course is designed to teach the skills and knowledge required for those working in environments where they will be providing safety cover to boats, water users and swimmers.

Irish Sailing Senior Instructors are required to hold the Safety Boat Certificate in order to be qualified for their role. 

It is strongly recommended that those providing Safety Boat cover for Sailing and water sports events hold the Safety Boat Certificate.

Course Objective: 

The aim of the Safety Boat course is to introduce candidates to the techniques, skills, equipment and communications used for waterbed events, whilst at the same time ensuring that persons have the knowledge and skill to take charge of powerboats which are involved in:

  • Escorting racing fleets of dinghies, windsurfers, canoes & powerboats.,
  • Providing safety cover for training fleets, Racing fleets, Water festivals, water activities within local communities on inland and inshore areas.
  • Assisting in race management duties. (Sailing & Powerboat)

Previous Knowledge / Experience:

To qualify for a place on the Safety Boat Course participants must hold the IS National Powerboat Certificate or an equivalent certificate and 20 hours driving experience following qualification.

It is strongly recommended that at least one member of a safety boat’s crew should hold a first aid certificate and the Short Range (SRC) VHF radio operator.

Duration:   2 Days     

NEXT COURSE: email for Spring 2025 course dates