Day Skipper

MAST Centre Irish Sailing Courses

 Irish Sailing (IS) Recognised Course

Coastal Navigation Course

Day Skipper Practical Courses:

The Day Skipper Course (RYA and IS certified) is for aspiring skippers with some yachting experience and basic navigation and sailing skills. The course is designed to teach you how to “take charge” in a safe and confident manner on a sailing yacht. Skippering for the first time can be a daunting yet exhilarating experience. The course involves much more than practical navigation and pilotage. You will learn about weather forecasting, passage planning, routine engine maintenance, how to take charge and recover a man overboard. You will also learn how to park a yacht in a marina or on a mooring with confidence, and especially what to do if the engine breaks down.

Course Prerequisites

You must have taken the Competent Crew Course  or have spent at least 5 days on a yacht acting as an effective crew member.  You must have completed the Day Skipper Shorebased Course, which will give you the background theory knowledge making the navigation work aboard much easier. 

You will be required to have assumed knowledge of theory to the level of RYA Day Skipper. Please be aware that the instructor will test you on this level of knowledge. 

Successful completion of this course involves the award of the IS Dayskipper certificate.   This will allow you to then apply to Irish Sailing for an ICC  (International Certificate of Competency) which is the international standard for charter abroad.